Maria Lucia Agon Ramirez was born in Colombia in 1980. During High School in her home town Bucaramanga Maria Lucia gained first experiences with dance performances. Immediately after graduating from High School in 1998 she started as a member of the dance company “Ballet Experimental Contemporaneo BEC” and gained her first professional experiences. With that group she toured within Colombia and performed in various theatres.
Additionally, Maria Lucia participated in various dance workshops at international dance festivals in Medellin and Cartagena in order to further develop her dancing abilities. After taking classes in France CNDC, Angers, Nantes and Paris, Maria Lucia was accepted at the German Folkwang-Hochschule in 2000. While studying she gave classes for contemporary dance and yoga.
During that time She worked with the choreographers Kuo Chu Wu, Zoltan Dani and Norbert Steinwarz. In November 2005 she danced with Leonard Cruz in an evening filling piece „du fond d’un naufrage“. In the successful dance film production „The Double Woman“ by KEPTINSIGHT Productions from Canada Maria Lucia took part as the main character.
Since 2002, she has steadily been working with the choreographer and dancer Mohan C. Thomas (Tanzmoto), creating and dancing “Orientation”, his first large project. Maria Lucia contributed significantly to the great success of this multimedia stage piece performing in Tanzhaus NRW, Stadttheater Giessen, Kunsthalle Bielefeld and Kemnade International as well as in the Joyce SoHo Theater, New York.