Choreographic ideas and their implementation

Choreographic ideas and their implementation

For the first time Tamara McLorg will give a 4-day workshop for professional dancers at STUDIO SPACE.  The main focus of this workshop lies on the implementation of different choreographic ideas. How does the cooperation of choreographer and dancer work and how to discover new moments. Tamara might also use video material to teach different approaches.    Tamara won the Jane Attenborough Dance UK Industry Award 2015 on 25th January 2016.

Furthermore Tamara McLorg wil give a training in "Create a Warm up Training" at TANZMOTO STUDIO SPACE for dance teachers, dancers and everyone who is interested. (Register here)

In both workshops the participants get the chance to get to know the methodology and didactics of Tamara`s work experience. The number of participants is limited!

Within the "Professional Training" this event is funded by Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und Sport des Landes NRW und TANZMOTO e.V.

  • February  29th/ March 1st/2nd/4th      
  • 10  - 12 h
  • 8 hours in total on 4 days!
  • You can only book the 4 workshop days together.


129 € for 4 workshop days (8 hrs); -  Price includes 7% VAT.


Tanzmoto Studio Space
Ringstraße 1 (Eingang Güterstraße)
45219 Essen-Kettwig

Trainer (Kursleiter): 


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Die Kursgebühren enthalten 7% MwSt.

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IBAN: DE06 3605 0105 0001 6090 15
Bank: Sparkasse Essen

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  • Tänzerin, Choreographin, Dozentin

    Tamara McLorg erhielt ihre Ausbildung an der "London School for Modern Dance" und studierte anschließend Choreographie in New York. Seit 25 Jahren ist sie in den Bereichen Community Dance und Tanz für soziale Entwicklung tätig. 

tanzmoto studio space

The new studio of TANZMOTO DANCE COMPANY is located in Essen-Kettwig, the largest district of Essen by area. → Studio Space

Ringstraße 1 · 45219 Essen
→ Approach